Our region is blessed with fundamental natural resources – from good crops varieties and productive livestock to nature’s abundance in fresh water – that are easy to take for granted. Our institute treasures these national assets and strives to aware communities of their importance and work with them to preserve them. The focus of the programme is to build the capacities of people in: Agriculture including Fisheries, Livestock, Forestry including sericulture and Watershed Management.
Since its inception Environment and Natural Resource Management Training Programme (ENRMTP) acknowledges the diversity among communities from Mardan to Gawadar and Badin to Muzzafarabad and is serving them with training programmes that are in accordance to their recourses and suit their needs. Through continued improvement in energy efficiency and the use of alternative energy sources, we actively work with our farmers to promote sustainable agriculture—and we are developing new training programmes to reduce our impact on the environment.
ENRMTP strives to ensure optimal utilization of available resources at the local level and provision of assistance to reduce dependency upon external resources. This programme aims to develop and strengthen local capabilities for sustainable resource management through prevention of losses in natural resources, productivity enhancement and environmental rehabilitation.
At IRM we strongly believe that a cadre of activists needs to be trained in various ENRM disciplines for the purpose of creating a culture of effective and sustainable management of natural resource at the grassroots level. Every year a large number of participants are trained under ENRMTP and the duration of these training events range one day to thirty days.
The institute has responded to the issues related to ENRM through adopting a comprehensive strategy involving:
IRM Head Office
IRM Complex
#7, Sunrise Avenue, Park Road Near
COMSATS University,Chak Shahzad
Islamabad, Pakistan.
Tel: +92 51 8742201-7
Email: info@irm.edu.pk
Web: www.irm.edu.pk