
Training of School Management Committees

The School Management Committee (SMC) comprises of CO members and the parents of students enrolled in community schools. Each SMC is a 5-7 member committee and its members are trained to manage and monitor the schools effectively. Ideally almost half of the SMC or VEC (Village Education Committee) members should be women. The gender equality helps in ensuring quality of education and learning as well as encouraging greater students’ enrollment rates besides creating a greater accountability among the schools administration and teachers.

The training of SMC is meant for sensitizing the members of the School Management Committee regarding their roles and responsibilities. In this way they are trained to plan for the school and identify the prospects for fund generation. In addition, they are also trained to conduct and record the committee meeting and to undertake school monitoring activities.

Ideal For

Teachers and community members involved in the formation and management of SMCs.

Learning style

The basic learning style for the SMC Training is “Learning by Doing”. This is accomplished through lectures, tutorials about latest curriculum and group discussions.

*Note: Depending upon the area of implementation or project type, the SMC is also called Village Education Committee (VEC) or Parent Teacher Associations (PTA).


IRM Head Office
IRM Complex
#7, Sunrise Avenue, Park Road Near COMSATS University,Chak Shahzad
Islamabad, Pakistan.
Tel: +92 51 8742201-7